Strategies You Can Use TODAY To Meet The Needs Of ALL Learners

Throughout September we focus on discovering the learners within the community – what we know about them academically, what their home lives are like, what their strengths and areas for growth are, and what their areas of interest are. After spending time gathering information about the learners, it is important that we begin to create a plan to use the information in a way that will allow us to maximize learning for each of our learners. 

The autumnal equinox is a great indicator that it is time to shift from the easy pace of summer, or in the case of the school year getting to know your learners, into a period of action to prepare for what lies ahead. Animals and humans alike use the fall as a period of active planning so they can experience the winter in comfort. Likewise, in school, we can help our learners prepare for the bulk of learning that is ahead by assessing what we have learned and how we will utilize this information to create an optimal learning opportunity for each learner we work with. 

The critical factor in accounting for differences between learners is flexibility. By maintaining a clear objective and overarching goal, we increase flexibility to the learning environment, lessons, and products that allow each learner to thrive. Here are a few ways we can embed flexibility that takes what we know about learners and cultivate it into an actionable plan that will set them up for success. 

Learning Environment

  • Space for reflection and introspection for learners that need it
  • Variety of work stations – both seated and standing
  • Books and artwork are diverse and represent various cultures so each learner sees themselves included


  • Invite learners to choose to work with a partner or group or by themselves
  • Provide directions and other important information in both written and auditory format
  • Teach learners how to use several graphic organizers and then allow them to choose the one that best helps them process the information


  • Accept visual, auditory, and kinesthetic options, as well as analytic, creative, and practical ones
  • Provide two different assignments and allow learners to choose one
  • Include a product menu that lists acceptable choices of a product that will meet the learning objective


  • Incorporate a variety of core text materials and supplemental materials for learners to use
  • Vary the presentation style of content – use strategies that fall under ‘Say It, Show It, Model It’ to reach all learners
  • Allow learners to choose the topic, under the big picture goal, that they are interested in learning about

When taking a schoolwide approach to SEL, it is critical to the success of staff and students that like teachers, school leaders learn and create a plan for the information gained about each adult in the building. Throughout the suggestions above, we have intentionally used the word learner instead of student because the ideas and activities apply to both the student and adult learning communities within a school. Creating an experience where each members’ needs are met to enhance learning encourages the adult community to embrace the same level of flexibility within their learning spaces. 

By spending time at the start of the school year gaining information about the learners in our community, we are able to tailor the learning experience –  from the way we teach to the feedback we provide. Having had an opportunity to collect a lot of this information, it is now time that we prepare for the hustle-and-bustle busyness that fall ushers in so we can maximize learning for each member of our community. Creating, and completing, a plan now, means that in the months ahead we will be comfortable and ready for whatever comes our way!

Written by Sarah Fillion & Dana Januszka 2021