We have received several inquiries from educators looking for tips and strategies that will ensure that conferences go smoothly this year. We know that conferences are like dynamite – a lot packed into a small space — with only 15 – 20 minutes to communicate strengths, areas that a student has improved, next steps, and more! This year’s conferences may look different from what you’ve done in the past – the time may be shorter, the conferences may be virtual, or you may be wearing a mask and need to make sure you smile more with your eyes so it is visible! In thinking about the different challenges, we have put together a list of easy to implement strategies that will help you prepare for and take action during conferences that will leave you feeling encouraged and looking forward to the next steps with your students.
We’ve broken down this topic into several blog posts so each one is easy to read and focused on one aspect. Each day this week, we’ll be sharing additional information to help you feel ready for Conferences – regardless of the format they are being conducted or any surprises that pop up (we’re hoping only good surprises come your way!) We want to provide you with easy to implement ideas that will leave caregivers feeling informed and clear on how to support their child’s educational growth – and you feeling successful!
“Help! Conferences are starting next Wednesday and I feel overwhelmed with preparing for them this year!”
Step 1 – Breathe! You’ve got this, and we’re here to help. Each day this week, we’ll be sharing strategies to implement so you are ready for conferences and look like the rockstar teacher you are!
What are some Positive School Solutions blog topics we’ll be seeing this week? Before & After Conferences, Structuring Your Session, Engaging Guardians/Families, Being Ready For Challenges. We’ll be covering a lot with each topic, so you’ll be ready to rock and roll when it is time!
My conferences are in-person (or online). Will there be tips to support me? Yes, definitely! We will be including ideas for conferences both in-person and virtual, plus you’ll take these ideas and adapt them to your own setting and style!
What is your number one tip that I can implement right away? Prepare, prepare, prepare! We know this sounds obvious, but it is so important and we can overlook it at times. I once had an hour break during a long session of back-to-back conferences, so planned to review and finalize my conference sheet for my last 3 then. Someone missed their morning slot, showed up highly stressed during that block, and used the full hour! The rest of my conferences consisted of me sweating, feeling anxious, and feeling like I didn’t even know the students we were discussing! Lesson learned – things change often during conferences, but one thing we can control is being prepared in advance so when changes happen, we are ready!
Ok – I see I need to prepare, prepare, prepare. How though? Here’s an activity you can do to help start your preparation. Take a piece of lined paper (or use this google sheet we created for you) and without looking at your class list, list all the students you will conference about. Then, go back and write something you have learned about them academically so far this year – a way they’ve grown, something they’re really good at, or a time you witnessed the “aha” moment of learning. Finally, go back and write one thing you know about the student that is not academic, something personal. Look at your list now – who was a struggle to come up with their name, a positive academic, or something you know about them personally? Start preparing for conferences by filling in any gaps on your form through researching and talking with those students!
We’re looking forward to sharing more ideas with you about preparing for conferences throughout this week. We’d love to hear from you how your preparation is going and how your conferences go! You can share this post with other educators you know via FB, Twitter, or IG, and you can share your successes with us by emailing us at [email protected].
Written by Sarah Fillion & Dana Januszka for Positive School Solutions 2020