Back to School
Whether you are a teacher, administrator, or parent, going back to school requires a lot of thought and planning.
We have created tools to support you through this transition that will set everyone up for success!
Ready to Get Started?
See resources for
Resources for Administrators
Faculty Meeting Plans
Faculty/Staff meetings are opportunities to deliver short professional development that is impactful in cultivating a sense of community and raising the quality of instruction in the building. Our faculty meeting plans are complete with all the tools you need to use them right away to create meaningful and thought-provoking meetings that support your staff.
Opening the Door to a New Year
Bringing staff together for the opening day of school is critical to setting the tone for the entire school year. This faculty meeting will help inspire your staff to work together this year to learn, grow, and experience positive student outcomes.
Creating Group Guidelines for the Adult Learning Community
Having a set of group guidelines increases productivity at meetings through providing clarity in the behaviors and expectations for the individual and collective team. This meeting plan will help you lead your staff through a collaborative process.
Building Blocks of Self-Care
This faculty meeting will support staff in creating good habits to build a strong foundation for SELf-care throughout the year so they are able to feel like their best self at work every day.
Professional Development Courses
Your time is in constant demand, which is why it is essential that the courses you take are high quality and lead to positive student outcomes. Our engaging, on demand, professional development courses range from 90 minutes to 3 hours in length and offer you the flexibility to work at your own pace.
Strengthening the Adult Community through Team Building
One way to create a strong adult community in the school environment is to infuse short team-building activities within meetings that promote learning about colleagues, establish a focus, and incorporate fun into each meeting. This course will provide you with the important set-up steps to ensure participants feel safe and ready to delve into team-building activities. Additionally, you’ll walk away with ten team-building activities you can use throughout the year.
Preparing for Productive Faculty Meetings
Leading from the front means each faculty meeting is intentionally designed as an opportunity to learn – staff members expand and deepen their knowledge on relevant content, as well as best teaching practices that can be brought back into the classroom. In this course, the BASIC structure to creating high-quality faculty meetings that increase focus and participation is explained and best principles of practice for adult learning are reviewed.
Resources for Teachers
Elementary Teachers
High quality professional development is an important element in elevating teacher effectiveness and positive student outcomes. Our engaging, on-demand online professional development courses range from 90 minutes to 3 hours in length and offer you the flexibility to work at your own pace.
Creating the Conditions for Students to Thrive: Elementary School
You might have seen or heard the phrase “students must Maslow before they can Bloom!” We’re going to use the work from educational psychologist, Abraham Maslow, to discuss ten tips for creating an optimal learning environment where students thrive!
Building Community through Morning Meeting
This course will use a combination of instructional videos and documents to help support you on your journey to conduct a Morning Meeting with students, both in-person and/or online.
Introduction to A+SEL
In classrooms that have a strong balance of meeting students Academic and Social Emotional (A+ SEL) needs, teachers create positive energy, student engagement, and feelings of mutual respect and belonging.
Middle School Teachers
High quality professional development is an important element in elevating teacher effectiveness and positive student outcomes. Our engaging, on-demand online professional development courses range from 90 minutes to 3 hours in length and offer you the flexibility to work at your own pace.
Creating the Conditions for Students to Thrive: Middle School
You might have seen or heard the phrase “students must Maslow before they can Bloom!” We’re going to use the work from educational psychologist, Abraham Maslow, to discuss ten tips for creating an optimal learning environment where students thrive!
Building Community with Young Adolescents through Advisory Meeting
This course will use a combination of instructional videos and documents to help support you on your journey to conduct an Advisory meeting with Middle School students both in-person and/or online.
Why Our Words Matter: Effectively SPEAKing with Students
Throughout a school day, all adults working in a school (in any capacity) find themselves needing to speak with students in a variety of different ways. This course will support you on your journey to learn more about effective teacher language.
Special Area/Exploratory Teachers
High quality professional development is an important element in elevating teacher effectiveness and positive student outcomes. Our engaging, on-demand online professional development courses range from 90 minutes to 3 hours in length and offer you the flexibility to work at your own pace.
Infusing Social Emotional Learning Into the Arts: Essentials for Specialists
In this course you will identify key beliefs and practices that align SEL competencies for our students through teaching, learning, and student achievement in time-pressured special area classrooms.
Why Our Words Matter: Effectively SPEAKing with Students - Special Area Teachers
Throughout a school day, all adults working in a school (in any capacity) find themselves needing to speak with students in a variety of different ways. This course will support you on your journey to learn more about effective teacher language.
Resources for Parents
Check out these recent posts from our social media pages to help you get your child ready to transition successfully!
Free Instructional Session
Infusing Social Emotional Learning Into the Arts: Essentials for Specialists
There’s much to see here! So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us.
When you are ready, we would love to offer you this free instructional session for 10 Tips to Setting Our Students (and ourselves!) up for Success in 2024-2025!
And if you love these tips, visit our full course for more in depth information, resources, and downloads you can use to easily implement all ten in your classroom this year!